
Intall TypeEdit2003Plus

Intall TypeEdit2003Plus

Install  TypeEdit2003Plus which used for router cnc
 1.  You can start the installing program named TypeEdit2003+.exe in the root directory of this CD.
 Or you can get in the folder named TypeEdit and run the Setup.exe.
Please seclect “Next>” until you get
    Recommend you to choose Custom, So you can get
There is also a button named Change… , click it, you can get more option, for example, Choose the Help and then click Change…, then you get this dialog box
Choose everything you want and then click “Next>” until you get
 You should choose “Yes, I want to restart my computer now” …
After restarting your computer, you will get
 Click “Next>” “Next>” “Next>” “Next>” up to the end.
 So now, you have installed TypeEdt2003Plus successfully.

